Monday, November 27, 2006

When the Fug Hits Your Eye....

Like a big piece of pie, that's amore!

So here we are. The Fug participated in the 7th St S 'n B (again, that's just Chloe and me). Notice the look of dismay. "Mama... why?"

And then it was time to finally take The Fug out to see the sights of Phoenix. I'm not sure why I'm making that face. All I know is that I'm making it. There's JungleJim in the backseat, touching the Fug on the sly.

Truthfully, there's only one sight worth seeing, and here it is:

I love this place. I hope they let me come back.
Actually, we could have taken The Fug on a hike up Camelback Mountain, but alas, no.

Finally, here I am praying to St. Fug, begging to be preserved from such horror forevermore.

(Truthfully, some of this yarn is SO soft and snuggly. It's just a shame that .... that.... well, it's just a shame.)

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Quick FUG Update!

This afternoon and tomorrow my sweet seester and I will be taking The FUG on a tour of Phoenix, thereby completing its journey to this particular bit of barren desert! Pictures of that, and of its debut at the 7th St. S n' B (which consists of my daughter and me) will be posted on Saturday before its departure to the next lucky fool. I mean knitter!

And a very happy Thanksgiving to all!

Friday, November 10, 2006

Le Fug est arrivee!

As I type, there is a lovely gentleman here fixing the carpet. You know how the carpet ends and the tile begins and there's usually a protective strip holding down the carpet? Not so here, and consequently my carpet's been trashed in a few places. I'm dying to take The Fug out of the box to photograph her in all her glory, but I'm not sure about such performance art in front of Mr. Carpet. I carefully reached my hand into the bag and recoiled in horror and I felt something... crunchy.... something not quite.... right.....

Carpet Man! Leave! I've got important and fugly work to do!
Ok, I started that bit on the side before I remembered to take pictures of Rae's additions!

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